If you are interested in buying Smoky Mountain TN real estate, look no further.
A phenomenal 15 acre Smoky Mountain Lodge is currently on the market in Gatlinburg, TN. With 7398 square footage, 12 bedrooms and baths, this home will have room for all of your friends and family.
The interior boasts all master suites with whirlpool tubs, king beds, entertainment centers with LCD TVs, and private balconies with a view.
There is plenty of entertaining options with a gourmet kitchen and granite bar, a 4.8 projection screen, several game tables, two large hot tubs, and a private gazebo.
This Smoky Mountain Lodge property is made for corporate functions or receptions with room to entertain 100 people in comfort.
The Smoky Mountain Lodge real estate find is projected to generate over $200,000 in income this year, so priced at $1,950,000, this lodge can be a great investment.
For more information on this Tennessee Mountain Lodge, or other Smoky Mountain TN real estate, please contact Smoky Mountain real estate agent, Jason White.